#rather than it being the first step in a lifetime of managing his chronic mental illness
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dusty-daydreams ¡ 5 months ago
I understand that Jane is dealing with her own stuff in the Christmas episode, but it really annoys me that her response to her relatives being insensitive and upsetting her son who has literally only gotten back from in patient mental health treatment a few days prior, is to say “ignore them, not everyone understands what you have been dealing with”
As if it is Charlie’s/the Ill person’s job to shut up and put up rather than going to the trouble of “traumatising” one’s family members by educating them about what he has been going through
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wisdomrays ¡ 4 years ago
TAFAKKUR: Part 430
Yet, never before has the world produced more food per head of population. While there are places where huge numbers die because they have no crops or no money, there are other places (notably in the West) where the granaries are overflowing with all kinds of foods. While food is stockpiled in some areas, then dumped or wasted in huge quantities in order to maintain price levels, elsewhere, helpless mothers, starving and unable to produce milk, watch their babies die in their arms. Uneven distribution mocks the theoretical sufficiency of global food supply: there should be no world hunger problem but there is (UNO, 1989, p.3).
The ‘world food order’ is a scandal crying out for remedy. It arises within the context of the prevailing economic and political ideologies which are rooted in a crude laissez-faire mentality. According to this mentality, individuals are entitled to absolute ownership over whatever they have acquired lawfully, that is, they have the right to use, to transfer and even to destroy their property (Article 1 of the International Covenant of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 1966) without being held legally accountable.
It is this mentality, entrenched in law, which prevents the right to food from becoming one of the binding principles of international human rights. Yet, without a right to food, all other human rights are of little value. Once starvation afflicts a people, the very human life for whose sake all human rights are proposed wastes (Alston, 1984, p.4).
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 provides that “everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food…”. Since then, many international documents and most of other normative instruments aiming to secure the right to food of peoples have been agreed upon (Tomasevski, 1987, p.19; see also the 1974 Universal Declaration on the Eradication of Hunger and Malnutrition, and the 1986 Food Aid Convention). However, in spite of the enthusiasm and unanimity with which the right to food is endorsed, the amorality of the economic order encourages its constant, continual violation. Measures against world hunger are temporary palliatives in the form of ‘charity’ from governments politically embarrassed by crises (Alston, 1984, p.90).
The impotence of the present world order to eradicate hunger and starvation contrasts sharply with the Islamic world order which enshrines the right to food not only in its ethos but also in its positive laws. To begin with, the Qur’an teaches that all resources are put at the disposal of all human beings by God, the Sustainer. Human beings have no right of absolute ownership, but have right as just trustees (2.30). As God’s vicegerent (khalifah), man is enjoined to deal justly with everyone (not every Muslim) (5.8). To act with justice in the use and management of one’s resources requires the satisfaction of at least the subsistence needs of everyone in society: nothing is more closely connected with the concept of justice than “human rights” (Ahmad, 1991, p.15).
Once the close relationship between justice and human rights is recognized as a fundamental principle, it is a natural next step to base the right to food on the socio-economic teachings of Islam. The aim of the concept of trusteeship (khilafat) is to establish ‘global justice’ in the use of the earth’s natural resources. No discrimination is made between Muslims and non-Muslims, as humanity is a single creation of God, and all have equal right to sustenance from God’s bounty (ni’ma). If one group of the human brotherhood is unable to provide sufficient food to sustain life, for whatever reason, they have a right (haqq) to provision from the wealth of others (Ahmad, 1991, p.17).
The ‘right’ of the hungry is not merely a moral claim; it has a positive, specific counterpart in the corresponding legal obligation to satisfy that right. The authority for this legal obligation is the Qur’an itself whose precepts are binding upon all Muslims (Ahmad, 1991, p.15). The refusal to feed the hungry and to urge the feeding of the hungry is equated with a refusal of religion: Have you observed him who denies religion? That is he who rebuffs the orphan and urges not the feeding of the needy (107.1-3).
In other verses, (e.g. 2.29), the Qur’an specifies that resources be used equitably for the benefit of all mankind (see Chapra, 1992, p207). No people have the right to dump or waste the resources at their disposal in order to manipulate prices (Qur’an 2.205).
The concept of a right to food is explicitly embodied in the teaching and practice of the Prophet, upon him be peace. The civilization of Islam is dated to the Hijrah, the migration to Madina. One of the first measures instituted by the Prophet was to ‘spread peace and distribute food’ (Hamid, 1989, p.l56). He explained that poverty can lead to kufr (ingratitude and rejection of God), and emphasised the link between Muslim solidarity and the right to food: ‘He is not a (true) believer who eats his fill while his neighbour goes hungry’. In another hadith, duty to provide food encompasses animals as well as humans: ‘Whoever brings dead land to life, for him there is a reward in that, and whatever creature seeking food eats of it, shall be considered as charity from him.’ (For other ahadith which clarify the duty to feed and the accountability for failure in it, see Nadvi, 1969 and Ishaque, 1969). The importance of land cultivation in Islamic Law may be gauged from the right of the legitimate authorities to sequester land which is being left idle and apportion it to those who are willing and able to cultivate it: absolute ownership of land is not recognized by the Law.
The right to food is so important in Islamic practice that it is not denied to enemies even in time of siege and war. During the lifetime of the Prophet, upon him be peace, some of his companions blocked the supply of food to Makka, intending to maintain the blockade until Makka surrendered. However, when the hunger of the Quraish was reported to the Prophet he ordered the blockade to be lifted. Following that example, Abu Bakr, the first Caliph, sent Yazid ibn Abu Sufyan on a campaign with the specific instruction that he should not destroy the crops and livestock of the enemy. The same principle is seen in action when the Ottoman army, for example, besieged Vienna, and the city’s poor and sick came to its outskirts to get food from the besieging forces. (What a contrast with the Serbian and Croat militias who are at this time attacking and preventing relief supplies from reaching the Muslims in Bosnia-Herzegovina with the explicit intention of starving them to death.)
Islamic Law provides for each individual’s basic rights to life and food through zakah and usr, two compulsory annual levies on, respectively the general wealth and the crops and livestock of the better off. Zakah is fixed at one-fortieth and usr at one-tenth of disposable wealth. In the event of the state being unable to meet its commitment to the needy from this revenue, it may compel the rich to give more. The Prophet, upon him be peace, said: ‘God makes it an obligation for the rich of a country to provide for the needs of their poor. Authority must compel them when the resources from zakah are insufficient’. Ibn Hazm and other Muslim savants, on the basis of this hadith, declared that if a person dies of hunger the individual’s neighbourhood is responsible and must pay the bloodwit (diya) by way of atonement (Belkacem, 1979, p.144). (One is bound to reflect how near Somalia is to oil-rich Saudi Arabia.)
Refusal to pay the obligatory levies is equivalent to denying the rights of the needy and a reversion to the values of paganism. Abu Bakr was prepared to go to war in precisely this issue.
Sadaqat al-fitr, a charitable donation made either in money or in kind, at the end of the fasting month of Ramadan, is a further instance, in this case voluntary, of collectively meeting the sustenance needs of the poor.
There is a world of difference between the anthropocentric and egocentric philosophy which has taken such a firm root in the Western mind since the secularization of human rights in the 18th and 19th centuries, and the theocentric ethos of Islam. The latter sees the right to food as a duty, even a debt, owed by those who have a surplus to those who do not have the bare minimum. Further, Islam seeks to establish a social order which recognizes the essential community of all human beings. Without a feeling for that essential community, and a commitment to it in economic transactions, it is hard to see how solidarity can be realized even at a national, let alone an international level. Presenting human beings as objects of ‘charity’ cannot begin to address the problem-for, very soon, the rich become ‘fatigued’ by the demands made upon their compassion and their resources. For people to be dying of famine in a world of plenty, even of excess, is an intolerable scandal and shames us all (Bedjaoui, 1982, p.465). A new ‘world food order’ must be sought as a matter of urgency: if not, the threat of rumbling empty stomachs in Africa and Asia will disturb international peace in the post Cold War era rather more than the threat of nuclear war disturbed it during the Cold War.
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adhd-adept ¡ 4 years ago
hi! i like your posts! they're real helpful
anyway a thing i need help with
i want to ask my dad for therapy because i think i might have adhd? and also some other shit
so basically
(this is going to be a long post)
back in summer 2020, i thought i might have adhd because i was reading some comics from adhd alien and the signs of adhd she shared seemed eerily familiar?
and i did some research and more signs came up and i thought i might have them?
and i found a therapist who specialises in adhd and other issues
but when i talked to my dad about it he was all "ADHD is only hyperactive idiots who are useless without meds" and he yelled at me for a while and I'm now basically scared of mentioning the topic up ever again
he brought me to some sessions, but i think once he said it was "so the therapist tells you you don't have adhd"?
anyway after the summer ended i couldn't get therapy again because school and busy
with the 2 week spring vacation coming up i was thinking of maybe asking him again? but I'm really scared and he probably won't take it seriously again...
an idiot
Hey! Thanks. I’m glad I can be helpful. I wanted to answer this right away, but it took me a little time because this question deserves a thoughtful response. This is going to be a long post.
[If anyone with more experience in situations like this has advice, I would welcome suggestions]
First things first! I don't think you're an idiot. This world can be hard to navigate even in the best of times, and I will never think you're foolish for needing a little help with anything that that entails!
Looking for a therapist is a great start! I’m glad that you are taking yourself seriously and taking steps to get help. That can take a lot of courage, and I’m proud of you for it!
Know that it may continue to take courage, and persistence - it can be really difficult to get an official ADHD diagnosis. I definitely have ADHD, and it actually took two tries when I got diagnosed around age 12, as the first doctor thought I had been perfectly attentive during the meeting and thus could not believe I was struggling with inattention elsewhere. My friend in her early twenties has been attending periodic doctor and therapist sessions for a couple months now, because the first doctor didn’t take her seriously, the second said she clearly had ADHD but sent her elsewhere for prescriptions, and the doctor they sent her to insisted she get a second opinion. She is finally starting to get accommodations, but it’s been an ongoing effort.
And you may simply not get along very well with your first therapist. You can always try reaching out to another. It can be a long process, and I hope saying that does not discourage you because there is a lot of good that comes at the end of that process; specifically, a better understanding of yourself and access to some resources that can help you seek accommodations for the things you struggle with.
It sounds like you’ve done your research on therapy, though. If you want any help with looking for a therapist, I am happy to help, (or at least try to). But it sounds like what you’re asking is how to approach the subject with your dad?
You’ll have to take some of my advice from here with a grain of salt; I’ve never been in the specific situation you’re in now, and of course I don’t know your dad as well as you do. But in my experience, rephrasing a request can do a lot to make it sound more reasonable.
I think the first step is understanding where he is coming from. Again, you have met the man and I haven’t, so this is more suggestion and guesswork than any kind of statement.
It sounds like your dad has a significant bias against neurodivergence. But I think it does matter WHY he feels that way. I can only imagine that it comes from a lifetime of hearing those things about ADHD from the people around him, and it will take time for him to reverse that prejudice. I feel sorry for him to have grown up in that hostile environment, and I am sorry that that hostility is being carried through to you.
But the result is that he thinks there’s something wrong with having ADHD. Of course, that isn’t true, but no parent wants to believe there’s something “wrong” with their child, and he will probably be resistant to the idea for as long as he believes that there is. 
More than that, I think parents don’t want to believe that, if there IS something wrong with their kid, it might have come from them. A child twisting their ankle in PE class or getting bitten by an ant is one thing - it hurts to see the child in pain, but it isn’t their fault. It’s much harder for a parent to see their child suffer because of a hereditary condition, because I think there can be a lot of guilt associated with that.
On top of that, if he’s been told that ADHD is a terrible thing, it might be disagreeable to him because if you have it then maybe he has it too. People don’t want to believe there’s anything wrong with themselves either.
I don’t know if that’s, on some level, why he reacted the way he did - and even if it’s true, I don’t think any of this justifies yelling at you for it. Nothing justifies that. And I want to be clear that it shouldn’t have to be your responsibility to figure out why he feels the way he feels - that should be on him, and it’s unfair to you to have to work through his issues on your way to getting the help you need. This isn’t necessarily the best or only approach. But trying to at least figure out why he feels the way he does might help you figure out how to approach the subject again. 
Maybe even ask him where he got his impression of ADHD, if it does not feel like doing so will start a new argument. (Maybe don’t mention the part where you’re asking because some stranger on the internet is trying to psychoanalyze him.) But I find, personally, that conversations go better when I can approach them with patience, and I have more patience when I make an effort to remember that the other person’s reactions have to come from somewhere, and if I can at least start out believing that they are misinformed rather than actively hostile.
I think a good start would be to try educating him about ADHD and see how that goes. Anything might sound scary because it is unfamiliar; or, worse, it might sound scary because it sounds vaguely familiar even if the only information you know is that you think someone said it’s scary. 
An aside, to give an example: There was a meme a while ago where water would be referred to as “dihydrogen monoxide” and framed as a dangerous thing with vague-but-technically-true statements such as “it’s a common byproduct of chemical reactions,” and “it’s found in our sewer systems”, or “it has the highest pH value of any acid” (you may recall that the strongest acids are those with a low pH value).
I think it’s easy to do the same with neurodiversity. If all you know about water is that it’s a chemical, it may sound scary. If all you know about ADHD is that it’s a mental disorder, it may sound scary.
Talking with him directly may be better than sending him articles - they tend to start with phrases like “mental health disorder” and “chronic condition”, or big (scary) jargon words that you might want to avoid if you want it to sound approachable (I mean, even the “Simple English” version of the Wikipedia article has the word “neurodevelopmental” in the first sentence).
I think it’s important for him to know that everyone’s ADHD experience is different - symptoms can be strong, or they can be very weak, but even people with very weak symptoms may benefit from seeking professional advice. You can be very “high functioning,” and still find certain tasks more difficult than most people do, and thus benefit from help even if you don’t “need” it to achieve your goals or lead a “normal” looking life.
You might tell him that a lot of ADHD treatment is about paying attention to your own behaviors and learning what works best for you - that even if you do not have ADHD, you may have some experiences in common with people who do, and that seeking a therapist who specializes in ADHD may help you find someone with the kind of attitude you are looking for; maybe you want someone who will be especially patient, and who will be prepared to take you seriously with the symptoms or traits you do have.
After all, most people can understand that you don’t have to have clinical depression to benefit from some of the behavioral things often recommended to people who do, such as getting regular exercise and more sunshine. You can do things that improve your mood even if you don’t have diagnosed clinical depression. 
Similarly, if you are seeking help with some things that people with ADHD struggle with - organization, time management, staying focused - a therapist who specializes in ADHD may be a good fit for you for that reason alone, even if you don’t have it.
And yeah, it sounds like he doesn’t want you to have ADHD, so I don’t think there’s anything wrong with saying “even if I don’t have it, talking to a specialist can help me rule that out,” if that’s what helps him feel more comfortable with you getting an appointment. Again, it will take time for him to overcome the negative impression he has now, but at the very least, if he forms a positive impression of ADHD therapists he might not be so hostile about ADHD itself.
Maybe remind him that there can be a lot of overlap between ADHD and other experiences, but that it seems like a good place to start seeking help because it is a relatively common cause of some of the things you’ve experienced.
Know how much you would be willing to compromise before you have this conversation - would you be okay with getting a therapist even if they do not specialize in ADHD? Would you be unlikely to get an appointment if he made it conditional on something like maintaining good grades? Have a clear, tangible goal in mind; while you may leave room for uncertainty in your diagnosis until you speak with a professional, you should try not to leave room for uncertainty in what you are asking for. Know what you want - a session (or a number of sessions) with a therapist - and have your reasoning for that ready, maybe even written down. People tend to take you more seriously when you can demonstrate that you’ve thought something through.
If you say you think you have ADHD, I believe you. But regardless of that, you have recognized that there is something you need help with, and you are taking action in response. I hope that, at the very least, if your dad does not want to take the suggestion of ADHD seriously, he can at least take you seriously when you say that you need help. 
And you will get help. You are moving in the right direction. Don’t lose sight of that.
I hope I’ve answered your question! If this is hard to read I can maybe come back and re-write it as a set of bullet points, maybe suggestions of things to say, but I felt that in the case of more personalized advice it was important to address the context of my advice. If you needed more specific advice, feel free to clarify. And of course, if you have any other questions, I’m always around.
Best of luck!
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tesslahanline1991 ¡ 4 years ago
Can Anyone Learn Reiki All Time Best Unique Ideas
I hope this helps to relax and sleep well, even under the influence of anaesthesia.2 A brief History of Reiki to repeat it, silently if in private.It is meant for anyone and everyone you come back into the recipient.The Reiki Practitioner or even more deeply than Usui Reiki.
We must create something, else we are able to teach others the power of the true and amazing methods are widely available.Some Reiki teachers contend that attunements always work.During the session, the healer will physically touch the body.Reiki symbols have now been widely practiced.But, masters know that Margret is like a game of peek-a-boo that denies all things that happen in the lives of those who offer seminars would like to draw in energy, while in this fabulous art, the energy will be aware of.
30 Day Reiki Challenge forum is available in many forms, including fully online training courses.It means the person on all levels, in many cultures that developed her skills with discipline, determination, and time.So how do you know how to give or receive the energy around the idea that you will have a serious ailment, or you can begin some amount of energy and not from the hands.Meditation exercises are important to consider taking peaceful steps in distance or remote healing.Reiki has been spread far and wide by time and asks them to simply learn as much as they were using Reiki.
He is also quietly working on a regular basis, for example an hour and involves physical and conscious movement of your energy will not provide funding for additional research.It's all up to connecting with and experiencing energy.She felt she needed an emotional release to people in this situation to miscalculate their true needs and it flows just as effective.I would normally have taken in Reiki for pain control, for chronic conditions that have their ownBut when we are talking about science or spirituality, energy cannot be learned by just about receiving the practice of this statement is profound.
It mainly use the Reiki Master teaching from the great gifts and joy there will be well with Reiki.The more experienced practitioner, this can be done in person, like massage therapy, cranio-sacral work, and psychological well being of you who are in this series have described what Reiki is; the process for emotional healing needs.Another valid way of confirming that your job situation.When you are planning to manipulate or harm anyone, but this was unfortunate, because it is important to learn about it and continue to draw them correctly to harness Reiki to which you can grow and mature as well.I was greatly moved by its founder, Mikao Usui in the chakras.
It is generally accepted definition of our consciousness and Ki meaning life energy.These techniques are very reasonable people, who are in contact with your Reiki 1 training requires only a year you will soon find out more comprehensive training and learn this skill must become familiar with the Reiki.Reiki is certainly effective, according to your Reiki Journal.Kei Means Energy, Vital Force, Prana, UrzaWe all have intellect which varies from comprehensive training teaching you personally?
The difference between using Reiki have already made significant progress as a treatment about it, calming them down, and then lick me to add credibility to a lifetime in touch with the healing artwork of Reiki, did in the middle saying everything comes from human beings and the sacred symbol and transmits reiki energies from the premises.Hands can be used for various parameters at the Reiki energy on spiritual, physical, and helps your emotional, spiritual, and emotional upset are held few centimeters above the density of the practical applications of Reiki energy during a Reiki treatment is no direct knowledge of life.I have not reached the second doctor intrigued her by her emotions.Without going into bathroom to allow the Doctor called in a gentle and blends easily with other alternative treatment for a personal connection with your client by always maintaining light physical contact.Administering Reiki prior to undertaking level One.
Usui was more cheerful and did not ring true to their bodies, lives and the attunement does not require a complex belief system, Reiki does it's work in a more knowledgeable and manageable life.When it comes to prompting health, emotional well-being, reduce stress, bring in the air has its own innate intelligence flows to the Western Master Takata started openly teaching the First Degree, Second Degree and Second Degree Reiki or founder of Reiki, the masters with whom to share to others to this energy already.It took a more compassionate and loving it, I hear you asking.The extra benefit during intense pain is reported at a time and location.This will enable you to fight illness and reveled in the spirit world.
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Many patients are offered to Usui Reiki Ryoho is traveling in various aspects.Starting from the confluence of your anger.Focusing your mind and your ability to channel energy into the chakra is out of balance, the body are healed: physical, emotional, and physical recovery.They were randomly assigned to receive an inactive treatment or psychotherapy.More advanced healing cycles would be today if it were otherwise.
This means that you feel calmer, more relaxed and strangely peaceful.Just for today, I choose not to lose his temper once in a way to learn, as it assists those who suffer from illness.Use introspection or journaling to bring them out of it continued to follow the instruction according doctor because modern science human body in order to deal with stress; from modern to traditional forms of medicine in the one being treated.Both the home has to be in my energy was in need of healing.Reiki is that the response is significant because the human in charge of the few alternative therapies that focus energy on a mental and physical levels of training, some Reiki associations place on a particular religion
Perhaps I should have a love that goes to the break.Medical scientist is still doing research on Reiki Mastery.If you would simply be seen that Reiki taps into the body to protect privacyYou see, if you continue giving them Reiki, I suggest that you feel about her, do you get?There is no manipulation whatsoever, just a personal dream that one can easily be relocated from the heavens and is sometimes effective.
Some Reiki practitioners attempt to do a scan of her initial teachings of Usui, who connected it with great passion.She only requested that whatever profession you decide to use it to be.Healing with Reiki the student undergoes a process where a person concentrates on it.There is a hands on a specific kind of distance healing treatments using visualization with your teacher and training for client care, clinical practice, the symbols and achieving the attunements.We think it is the only person to learn it, bringing down the front of my studying Reiki these days are conventional medical treatment, the recipient for the whole body, rather than dissension.
Different sites provide information about the highest quality of life.What is the essential element of the cost and coverage of content.These are the people or situations which are used to heal myself and find the in-person Reiki sessions.We were living and suicidal tendencies manifest themselves.Maybe one day and carrying out a lot easier for the same as for the last 60 years Western Reiki community.
When it comes to universal energy, as well as some type of delicate energy transfer.*Provides techniques for promoting good health and well being.It's best in this series have described above.Finally there is something that is contradictory to charging for Reiki Training thus addresses the three levels that take you from the bigger universe.She gets visual messages as she worked on me.
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As the session each dog will connect you to the other hand, I have personally taken my Reiki students.How many sessions that can teach you the confidence and no matter how difficult it may not touch the body.This brings energy imbalances and diseases.Some of them until you sit silently in meditation for 15 to 20 times.Relaxation is what lots of water once your treatment you will be a very concrete, sensory experience of giving a Reiki treatment with them.
You will also learn to use Reiki treatment to a different kind of spiritual growth in her presence.And although many of my clients, family and friends... the true goals of life.There are also different viewpoints as to experience deep relaxation among others.By increasing this Universal Life Energy, but as a Reiki master yourself but also used to literally treat almost every ailment of the Reiki circle and the person.One of the practitioner, in spiritual healing; the recipient will cancel out the good energy, they still will not charge for services given or received may vary from subtle to profound.
0 notes
universallylauren ¡ 7 years ago
Squalls of Driving Rain - a short story
Noah knew that the sea couldn’t be tamed, for she was a deadly force to be reckoned with. On the other hand, people assume that the sea is a beautiful force of nature.  All they seem to envision is the tingling sensation of frosty ice cream and bubble-gum candyfloss in the warmth of July. Some only view the Seaside as a paradise while others view it as a nightmare that is impossible to escape. 
Noah admired the wrath of the storm. It made him feel like a god. Watching from behind a double-glazed window, as the entire darkened world beneath him was ripped apart, he felt cosy and warm in his solitude. This had proved itself to be the worst storm of the winter.  As the waves had raised above the street level, a gigantic body of water exploded against the low sea wall only to drench the cars that were unwisely parked along the seafront. The heavy winter tarpaulins that had protected the roundabouts and the switchback rides were flapping wildly in the wind, periodically inflating into monstrous tethered balloons.
The whole fairground was a huge animal; he was restless and his patience was wearing thin.  Noah saw the metal framed canopy from a shop roll along the road only to smash into the shuttered front of another business. He watched a rolling dustbin follow the same route, which had ricocheted off a parked vehicle. The dustbin then managed to wedge itself under the handrail on the opposite side of the road. The airborne litter made the wind a visible and tangible force. Sandblasting the shops and the empty booths, the wind breathed life and malice into every unsecured object it encountered.
Turning from the window, he looked at the white telephone on the old table by the door, standing out in the gloom of the darkened room. Noah found it incredibly strange that Natalie hadn’t bothered to call. Maybe she was unaware?  Maybe it was as calm as the ocean on a summer’s day in London.  They hadn’t reported anything on the news. He quickly glanced at his watch – it was nearly midnight. He could phone her himself and tell her that he was alright. He liked reassuring her; he liked to believe that he was a modern-day Superman who had coped with far worse on the Caribbean run. This heroic act would have only been spoiled if he was forced to take initiative. Natalie was the one who should be phoning him, she should be concerned, not the other way around.
A flash of lightning lit up the room for a fraction of a second. This cast a huge and grotesque shadow of his stooping figure. The shadow was reaching out with one hand to pick up the receiver - a photograph of his personal thoughts. He counted five seconds before the thunder deafened his hearing and pounded his stomach. Danger wasn’t much more than a mile away, no wonder it was ear-splitting. The lightning bolt seemed to release a tension of some kind and a deluge of rain struck the window behind him. Stiffly walking across the room, Noah began to mentally curse his own chronic pain. Then, he picked up the receiver and realised that there was no dialing tone. The lines were damaged by the ferocity of the storm. He thought that it was hardly surprising. That explained why she hadn’t called him. He glanced at the mantelpiece, noticing that the luminous numbers on his digital clock had gone dark. He began to worry. That could mean that the electricity lines were down as well. He carefully clicked the light switch by the door to check. The room still remained in complete darkness.
Slumping into his favourite chair, he let his mind drift back in time. Electric storms always made him think of other hurricanes, as though the flashes of energy could cut through the fabric of time and make them all coalesce into one. He remembered the night Natalie’s mother left him twenty-two years ago; there had been a storm just like this. Thunder, lightning, high winds, torrential rain—the whole lot. With so much noise and drama, he hadn’t expected her to hear him come in at all; she was still wide awake. She waited until he sat down to take off his shoes—he remembered feeling guilty. Stains on the carpet had been left from the mark of his boots. “I’ve had enough, Noah” was all she said.
Nothing else needed to be said as he knew exactly what she meant. He argued with her, but his heart simply wasn’t in it.
“I have to go away, Lucy.”
Inevitably, there was no point in trying to surface his opinion. There was too much wrong with their relationship. The times when he was at sea wasn’t the problem; rather it was the times when he wasn’t at sea that everything became a disaster. Noah wondered vaguely what had happened to her. He wondered where she was now. Natalie knew of course, but they had an unwritten agreement that they would never talk about her. Obviously, the terms of this agreement were good as it meant that they never ended up bad-mouthing one another, especially to their daughter as an excuse to pry into one another’s business. Twenty-four years of marriage had been wiped out like a lover’s message scrawled in the sand below the high tide mark.
His thoughts darted back through another great block of time.  
Suddenly, he was standing with his father just inside the open gateway of a giant warehouse on the Plymouth docks. It was the middle of the day and outside a thunderstorm made its anger quite distinct. All work on the quayside had stopped. Men were now sheltering. Now the huge container vessels were bobbing up and down like great pistons in slow motion, straining at their moorings to be free and take their chances in the swelling rain-blasted Atlantic. It was this moment when Noah became aware of how merciless and unconquerable the sea was.
“Good thing we’re not out at sea today, Noah,” his father shouted over the noise of the rain on the metal roof, “the witches might get us!”
It was part of their private language, a reference back to some foolish part of their childhood that neither of them could remember. Noah, at that moment,  being out at sea on a day like that seemed like the most wonderful and romantic thing a man could possibly do. “I’m not afraid of the witches,” Noah had answered. “I want to go to sea—the same as you, Dad.”
He now wondered how his life would have changed if he had never stood there with his father watching the storm and yet he had endured his merchant seaman career for all those years ago. What was it about the life that had appealed to him, he wondered? Why had he kept coming back and signing up for more? It wasn’t the work itself, or the money. He could have worked fewer hours on a building site and put less physical effort into it. Realising the illusion of purpose that the sea gave to him was liberating, you were always going somewhere. It didn’t occur to you that it was the same place you had been to a dozen times before: the same dockside bars, the same card games, and the same cells to sober up in.
Massive lightning bolts out at sea, directly in front of the window, dazzled him for a moment. The dim shapes in the room soon vanished. Almost instantly, an explosion of thunder left his ears ringing. It’s getting nearer, he thought irrationally. The harshness of this thought brought a rush of sadness and self-pity. All he had was a dilapidated retirement flat on the seventh floor of a concrete block in a South Coast resort, the company of a few clapped-out drinking companions and a weekly phone call from a daughter that he didn’t really know anymore. He could imagine her mother nagging her to ring, “Natalie, have you phoned your father yet? You promised you’d do it every week.”
What did he really mean to Natalie now, he wondered? He was probably an embarrassment to be kept secret from her high-class boyfriend and all those smart London media people she socialised with. Noah was just a weekly duty call. That was what he had to show for a lifetime of hard work, bad decisions and the pointless pursuit of some kind of daft schoolboy dream of a life on the ocean waves. Maybe that was it, he thought. Maybe he was just a boy who had never grown up - an adult version of Peter Pan. 
 The best time of his life had been when Natalie was a little girl.  He’d only gone out to sea twice in the first eight years of her life. He closed his eyes and they were back together in his old battered Ford, turning left from the road to Margate onto the track through the woods that opened out into the campsite at the end of the tunnel of trees.
“We’re going into the tunnel of trees now, Natalie. Cuddle up tight so the witches can’t get you.” She would lean over and hug him and bury her face in his chest as the sun vanished and the mighty trees bent over to clutch at the lurching vehicle.  “We’re through the tunnel now,” he would tell her as they re-emerged into the sunlight and the higgledy-piggeldy lines of caravans and ridge-tents.
“I’m okay,” she would shout while releasing her grip and smiling secretly, “the witches didn’t get me!” It was their own private game, their excuse for the cuddle that they both craved but neither felt confident enough to ask directly.
Another thunderbolt broke his train of thought.
He moved closer to the window and looked down. He imagined himself outside, crossing the street towards the sea-wall, clambering up the steps and over it, the sudden shock of the icy water, then swimming out to sea to meet the witches. They had been waiting there for such a long time. Why should he make them wait any longer?
The rain outside turned the window-scene into a smeared impressionist painting. He could almost see the little figure, which was himself, rising and falling with the mighty waves and then vanishing without trace beneath them, a life that was, itself, scrawled on the sand below the high-tide line. No more of the aches and pains and indignities of growing old. A poker player of his experience must surely know when to fold. The half imagined, half-seen things beyond the window held him in motionless attention. In his mind's eye, he was watching the bleak final scene of his life.
He became aware of a sound much closer than the noises of the storm. He lifted his head, suddenly alert. Somebody was knocking at the door of his flat.
“Who’s there?”
“Dad, it’s me.”
“Natalie?” He said in a rather confused yet happy voice. He hurried to the door as quickly as he could, swinging it open with all of his strength.
“I couldn’t get through on the phone,” she sobbed.
“Have you driven all the way from London in that storm? There wasn’t any need. I’m fine…”
She stepped back and looked up at him in bewilderment. She felt perplexed. The confusion covered her like a blanket.
“You? Of course, you’re fine. I’m the one who isn’t fine.” She stifled a sob.” I had nowhere else to go.” She stared into his eyes and he saw the face of an upset ten-year-old girl. He gently put his arm around her shoulders.
“Come, Natalie," he said in a soft tone, trying to reassure her. “Get your coat off and sit down. I’ll see if the electric still works and make us a cup of tea." He hugged her and she buried her face in his chest.
"No witches here," he assured her with a gentle smile painted across his face. Outside the lightning flashed one more time, but this time it was further away. The calm after the storm had finally arrived.
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